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Andrea Picconi

 Publication: November 23, 2022

"The drum is realy amazing - I wanted to test the the drum before letting you know - I am in love in this instrument, the frame is really balanced, the sounds is so interesting, the size is perfect. I play on it on upright style, both on Italian and Arabic way. I use also a lot on lapstyle. The sound is really that I had in mind when I ordered it. Thank you so much man ! "

bio of the Andrea Picconi

" absolute master of frame drums." - MUSICA
Andrea Piccioni is a renouned master performer on frame drums
and Italian tamburello. He has studied frame drum rhythms and
performance techniques from the Middle East, India, North Africa,
and Central Asia. Since 2020, Andrea Piccioni is a Professor of
Frame Drums at the Conservatory of Catanzaro, Italy.
Andrea has toured world-wide, performed in prestigious venues,

and collaborated with distinguished international musicians, in-
cluding Bobby McFerrin, Paul McCandless, Riccardo Tesi, Les

Haulz et Les Bas, Gianluigi Trovesi, Sanubar Tursun, Luciano Bion-
dini, Basel Rajoub, Aga Khan Ensemble, Manfred Leuchter, Ric-
cardi Tesi, Lucilla Galeazzi, Caitrìona O’Leary, Donàl Lunny, and

Wu Man.
Andrea’s style seamlessly crosses the boundaries of jazz, world,

Western classical and early music. Andrea’s innovations have rai-
sed the prominance of traditional Italian instruments, such as

tamburello, tammorra, frame drum, Jew’s harp and castanets. He
has been awarded the title of Master Musician by the prestigious
Aga Khan Music Initiative.
Andrea published DVDs and books dealing with the Italian frame
drums and rhythm language.


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Jacek Żelazek - Pracownia bębnów
Silpia Duża 9
29-100 Włoszczowa
Telefon: +48 602 499 439
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