
Wykonuję bębny dla muzyków, muzykoterapeutów, trenerów, osób prowadzących warsztaty rozwojowe oraz dla wszystkich, których bęben zawołał, przyśnił się lub po prostu poczuli, że chcą grać .

Murat Coskun

 Publication: February 25, 2019
murat coskun, bęben obręczowy, bęben ramowy, frame drum, rahmentrommel

As an active frame drummer since 25 years, I play around 20 different frame drums of many different makers from all over the world. Every drum has a specific taste and an own colour of sound, so that I use them in certain moments. I could not imagine to discover a „new“ frame drum until I played the frame drum of Jacek Żelazek. After the first grooves that I played on the drum, I was convinced by the warm and huge sound. I feel that I have a strong character in my hands, which gives me new inspirations for my playing. Immediately we became good friends – me and the drum…

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About me


Jacek Żelazek - Pracownia bębnów
Silpia Duża 9
29-100 Włoszczowa
Telefon: +48 602 499 439
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