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Frame drum 12 inches - 4000 years black oak

Black oak bendir. This drum can be used for both lapstyle and upright playing. I make it in two versions of the handle. One is the first two holes I made for US customer Barbara Walker. The second is the cut as you can see on the photo. The 12 inch drum can be tuned very high, almost like a Riq, or lower if you need a small drum with a deep duom sound. I usually put goat or calfskin on it, but sometimes fish skin.

One of the many opinions about such a drum:

"I am loving this 12" with the two holes so much. It is sounding better and better as it breaks in. Such a great doum! " (Barbara Walker, USA)

Here you can listen to that drum. Game master doira from Tajikistan Khayrullojon Dadoboev.

Write me if you are interested in order this drum


654,76 EUR


Weight: 0.70 kg
średnica: 30.00 cm
wysokość: Deep 12,5 cm
gatunek drewna: bog oak, black oak
Rodzaje skór do wyboru:

Goat or calf skin. Sometimes fish skin.

możliwość strojenia: tak

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About me


Jacek Żelazek - Pracownia bębnów
Silpia Duża 9
29-100 Włoszczowa
Telefon: +48 602 499 439
Copyright © 2017 Jacek Żelazek - Pracownia bębnów. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Projekt i wykonanie dla Jacek Żelazek - Pracownia bębnów.