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Black oak bendir. This drum can be used for both lapstyle and upright playing. I make it in two versions of the handle. One is the first two holes I made for US customer Barbara Walker. The second is the cut as you can see on the photo. The 12 inch drum can be tuned very high, almost like a Riq, or lower if you need a small drum with a deep duom sound. I usually put goat or calfskin on it, but sometimes fish skin.
One of the many opinions about such a drum:
"I am loving this 12" with the two holes so much. It is sounding better and better as it breaks in. Such a great doum! " (Barbara Walker, USA)
Here you can listen to that drum. Game master doira from Tajikistan Khayrullojon Dadoboev.
Write me if you are interested in order this drum
Goat or calf skin. Sometimes fish skin.