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Hi. My name is Asia. Jacek, my husband makes beautiful drums, which he decorates with beads from me. I am very happy, because the drums have gained an additional unique charm. I, on the other hand, weave shamanic bags for emptiness from these beads
I weave the bag from tiny glass beads using the peyote stitch, one of the oldest methods of weaving beads outside the loom. Archaeologists discovered decorations knitted using this stitch in Egypt, in the tomb of King Tutankhamun (1332–1323 BC). We can find a long tradition of weaving shamanic jewellery and ornaments in this way among the indigenous people of North and South America.
I weave bags for emptiness, which means that the pattern of the bag is always the same. I learned the art of this weaving from Iwona Pochitonow.
Size of the bag.
The beads have a diameter of approx. 2 mm, the width of the bag is approx. 6 cm, and the length is also approx. 6 cm. The size may vary slightly (5.5 - 6.5 cm) depending on the type of beads themselves. At the bottom of the bag, there are tassels sewn into a delicate triangular pattern. The chain is made of double-braided bead thread, the bag reaches below the breastbone.
I have a lot of bead colours available and there is a good chance that we will choose the colour you dream of. I can also choose a colour for you, guided by my own intuition.
A bag for emptiness. What does it mean? - discover old wisdom.
We may instinctively think that emptiness is threatening. After all, it is better to have than not to have. However, it is enough to stay with this old shamanic message for a while longer and the essence of what emptiness is and when it can be useful opens up:
instead of chaos of thoughts - emptiness
instead of confusion in the heart - emptiness
instead of a flood of matters - emptiness
How much easier it is to discern everything in life when you can enter the place of emptiness. From there, you can see better, hear better and feel better what is most important. At any time, you can refer to the emptiness of the shamanic bag to look at things with a fresh eye and decide what is really important.
A bag for emptiness. You can understand it through a shamanic perspective - as a secret, magical talisman. If you prefer, you can look at it psychologically: as an anchor that symbolizes a specific mental state and thus facilitates your access to this resource. And to all this, which is equally important, the bag is a beautiful piece of jewellery.
If you want to have your own bag for emptiness, write to me on WhatsApp +48 533 101 626 I can’t wait!