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Wykonuję bębny dla muzyków, muzykoterapeutów, trenerów, osób prowadzących warsztaty rozwojowe oraz dla wszystkich, których bęben zawołał, przyśnił się lub po prostu poczuli, że chcą grać .

Youssef Laktina

 Publikacja: 31 października 2019 roku
frame drum, bęben obręczowy, bęben ramowy, youssef laktina,

As a young Drummer im glad to venture Framedruming world with Zelazek. I met Jacek in Tamburi Mundi “world framedrum Festival” 2018, where I had the chance to try playing on his instruments, which are rich with A powerful bass and a soft TAK! Those instruments could be characterized for some quality features such as a strong body, good skin and a fine tuning system which gives the player the ability to tune the drum to their preferred sound! Same goes for RIQ, light and strong sound with natural skin, stable sound from all sides in low and high tuning.


A Syrian Percussionst, lives and studies Music in Germany. 4 years ago my music career began, since then I have the opportunity to learn different concepts from various music cultures, and doing a bachelor in World music helped me and is still helping me extending my knowledge! Im Working in the meantime on several projects and trying to gather as much information as I can to define my own character on the instruments!

O mnie


Jacek Żelazek - Pracownia bębnów
Silpia Duża 9
29-100 Włoszczowa
Telefon: +48 602 499 439
Email: jacek@bebnyjackazelazka.pl
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